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Please Interact With My Content - Grape Bubblegum Marble - LE 300

Please Interact With My Content - Grape Bubblegum Marble - LE 300

Regular price $32.00
Regular price Sale price $32.00
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Thank you for your online interaction. Now, please commodify my content. Validate me as a productive member of society by purchasing PLEASE INTERACT WITH MY CONTENT on 180g Grape Bubblegum marble vinyl.

Please note marbling may vary. While marble pressings are unpredictable, each is one-of-a-kind! 

READY TO SHIP: enjoy no manufacturing delays because this record is on hand and ready to ship!

about the album

Gate-kept by the world’s most dominating forces, the landscape of creator-fan interaction has been stretched thin. In exchange: to be seen and heard for a mere blip in time-- at the ultimate demand and benefit of the algorithm. Having consumed society, there may not be a sector that isn’t reliant on the algorithmic circus of attention seeking now necessitated for its survival. Cue desperation.

We are all livestock at the data farm. Here, the loudest and fattest cows produce the most value for our industrial owners, fertilizing the ‘feed’ that we all incessantly graze on.

Despite it being rabidly exploited, the desire to be recognized and validated is innocently and necessarily human. As is survival within the society we never chose to be born into.

Grappling the tight rope between introverted artistry and algorithmic conformity, PLEASE INTERACT WITH MY CONTENT is both satirical commentary and a raw display of vulnerability. 

music by Mark Rubin 
album artwork by Mute Illustration
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